About Us

The aim of the Club is to provide a safe, effective and child friendly environment in which members can participate in recreational and competitive artistic gymnastic activities under the guidance of appropriately trained coaches. Our club is proud to be a member of British Gymnastics (the official governing body for gymnastics in the UK). This is in recognition of our operating standards, use of best practice and our continual provision of safe and effective environments for our gymnasts.
Our qualified coaches are registered with British Gymnastics and have been screened for their suitability to work with children. A Welfare Officer (Child Protection Co-ordinator) has been appointed by the Club to deal with any safe guarding issues.
We provide excellent recreational classes and are proud to offer classes for disabled gymnasts.
We also develop competition squads who compete in our county and regional competitions at all levels and age groups.

All gymnasts start with a 1 hour session a week. They may progress to additional hours at the coaches discretion. The first two sessions are at a cost of £7.00 pay as you go, then £28 a month payable by standing order. Members will also require annual British Gymnastics membership, which includes appropriate insurance for your child and the club. This is an annual fee of £21.
